Cyrious Online offers the unique opportunity to allow your customers to talk to you the same way you always have the option of communicating with Cyrious. This is done through a third party, Olark. In order to enable this feature, you must go through their set up process by following this link:

Is Cyrious Online Chat support a fee-based service?

  • Cyrious Online chat support is brought to you by a partnership between Cyrious Software and Habla, makers of the Olark Chat clent. In order to provide chat support to your customers, you must have an active, paid Olark account with Habla. Cyrious does not charge for the integration of the Olark chat feature into your Cyrious Online customer website.

Can I use the free version of Olark Chat?

  • No, the free version of Olark is not suiable for integration into applications. You may use any level of the paid versions of Olark chat.

What will my customers see? How does the chat client window work?

  • Your customers will see a small box in the bottom right-hand corner of your online customer website that displays a message (“Chat with [websitename]”). By selecting this small box, a chat client window will appear and allow them to type their questions into the window. You or a colleague will receive the question on a chat client and be able to respond immediately. If no-one is logged in, Olark supports emailing the message instead.

What do I need to install this?

  • You can run your side of the chat by opening any browser and navigating to it. However, in practice you will probably want to use separate chat client that runs on your desktop to talk with your customers. This way, you can be notified of their question even when you are not in customer website yourself. There are several chat clients that work with Olark's chat client

Can I customize the appearance and behavior of the Chat client window?

  • Yes, Olark Support supports customizing the appearance and position of the chat window at certain levels. Open your Olark management console at for more details.

Will Cyrious assist in the customization and implementation of chat elements specific to my customer website?

  • No. If you want to customize the chat window, you will need to find your own web-wizard to help you. (It really isnt that hard, trust us)

Can I disengage the support chat function once it has been configured?

  • Yes, an administrator may de-select the “Enable Curious Online chat support any time. Disengaging the chat support functoin of Cyrious online howevert WILL NOT cancel your account with Olark. You are responsible for cancelling the Olark account Separately.

Can I track operator performance and customer satisfaction?

  • A “reports” features comes standard with the paid Olark plans. These reports display information such as a number of chats per hour, chats per operator per hour, the periods of heavy chat load, transcripts of all chat secession and other information. Utilizing this information will allow you to gauge the effectiveness and performance of your support team. it is available in the “My Account” section of the Olark website.
  • set_up_online_so_you_can_chat_with_your_customers.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/27 09:39
  • (external edit)