Release Date: 03/17/2014
Minor changes, enhancements, and bug fixes.
- Approvals - The person who approved, w/changes, denied the approval email is not recorded. - 6760
- Artwork - SVGs have problems with CMYK/Spot colors - 6597
- Business - New Business: Change “LocalPickup” shipping method to “Local Pickup”- 6748
- Business - Removing Employee User not deleting [User] - 6712
- Checkout - Cancel from PayPal Setup Returns XML error screen - 6721
- Contacts - Notification settings not saving for contact. - 6729
- Contacts - Notification tab stays visible when switching to a contact without a user from a contact with a user - 6758
- Contacts - Unable to set up new contacts to be able to login - 6757
- Email - Order Confirmation includes Delivery Address from Payor instead of actual Ship To - 6727
- ODEC - ODEC collapsed section icons are inconsistent. - 6752
- ODEC - Save and Cancel buttons rolling to 2nd row in ODEC toolbar - 6731
- ODEC - Standard Color Pallete Table falls off the right hand side of the odec color accordion - 6730
- Orders - Home Screen won't let you Cancel Order after purchasing a product - 6706
- Performance - Appcache change should force reload - 6736
- Products - Text names of all categories shown during load of page before consolidating into menu. - 6732
- Profile - Unable to save changes to Standard User Profile. - 6728
- Shipping - Shipping Method: Always Free shows “Call for Quotes” if Price by Distance was previously selected - 6749
- Taxes - Call for Quote being displayed if product name is longer than 50 characters. - 6733