
greenshot000086.png_linkquick_view greenshot000092.png_linkcontactsgreenshot000088.png_linkfinancialgreenshot000089.png_linkapprovalgreenshot000090.png_linkcompany_images_and_documents

Contacts are the employees of Companies. They have the ability to log in and order, and you can give them more power. Often times contacts must approve orders before it they are Released to Production, and sometimes contacts can even edit customer websites.

The Contacts tab is sort of a page within a page.

You add Contacts or choose which one to edit at the top of the page.


Then, you have four different tabs, Information, Images and Documents, Permissions, and Notifications.

The Information tab is relatively standard, you can choose which contact you want as the Primary, give him or her an address, phone number, and birthday. The most important thing here is the locator tab. Make sure you enter an email, because that is what the notification tool will send emails to. So if you want to get email updates for important things, make sure to enter an email into the locator tab.

include page="" component="backlinks"

  • contacts.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/27 09:38
  • (external edit)