

The other type of product is a Manufactured Product. As soon as you choose manufactured, there are some immediate differences that pop up.

The first difference is you can enter the production time, and have the choice to show it to the consumer.

The next thing to do is choose what product_categories your product will be in. There are several pre loaded categories, but if you want to create your own just hit Manage Categories. For more information, check the product_categories Page.

choice_groups are disabled on Manufactured products

The next step is to enter Search Tags and SKUs. In the Tags bar, you want to enter any keyword that relates to your product. When people use the search bar on the online_home Page, it brings up products based on whether the Tags match what was searched. Use a comma to show where one tab ends and another begins.

SKUs are specific identifiers for each product. You can leave these blank and Cyrious will automatically generate an SKU behind the scenes.

Now its time to enter the Search Description and Order Description. This is the text that you want to show up next to the thumbnail for the product. Our text boxes accept HTML if you want to get fancy.

Hit Save and move on to the next page.

On the next tab, the first the to fill out is Quantity. If you want to let your customer order as many as they want, uncheck that box and move on. If not fill out your restrictions here.

There are several different options for sizing. The first one is to have no size information available.

Or you can choose to only have one size available.

Or a list of different sizes. Its important to remember to fill out units

For the Separate Height and Width, you set what you want it to start at, and the Maximum and Minimum, and they can choose both their height and width.

After you get your sizing sorted out, choose whether the product is two sided or not, then hit save and move on.

Pricing Tab

As you can see, there are a lot of options. The first two are the easiest. Do you want the price to show up in the search at all? If not, check that box and move on. Or do you want the price to show up as undefined. Check that and move on.

If you want the price to show up as one simple price, check Fixed Price and enter the price.

Fixed Price with Quanitity Breakpoints allows you to offer a fixed price based on how many are being ordered.

Area Pricing lets you charge based on how big something is. This is great for when you offer multiple sizes. You can have a price per unit, an additional price per item, and a setup charge.

Area Pricing with Quantity Breakpoints is the best of both worlds!

Area Pricing with Breakpoints for the Area of a Single Item may sound complicated, but it isn't. It is just a way to charge per square unit for an item, and have the price change when you cross thresholds.

Area Pricing with Breakpoints for Total Area is the same idea, but your breakpoints are for, surprisingly enough, the total area used.

Adding a custom attribute is kind of like adding another separate product. They have their own SKUs. There are four different types of Custom Attributes : Checkbox, Number, Text List and Text Editor.

Before we get into them, again you need to make sure you give it a Name. Hint Text allows you to explain a little bit about what it is.

The Checkbox is the simplest option. It doesn't allow any customization. It puts a box on the ordering screen, and if the customer checks it, then they are also purchasing the custom attribute. If not, they aren't. That simple.

You do have a couple of different pricing options. You can charge per Attribute, Per Attribute per Product, or you can add a %, or you can charge per square inch.

Here is an example of where a business uses the checkbox custom attribute to offer a rush service to his customers

The Number choice for Custom Attributes is also useful. It gives your customer the option to choose how many of the added choice they want. Instead of a checkbox, they pick a number. You can set it to default to whatever the most common choice.

Here is an example of a business using the number custom attribute.

Text List is more useful when you have two or three different products you want them to be able to choose from. You can just create separate custom attributes, or you can use the text list. This choice lets the customer choose between whichever text options you give them here.

The Text Editor lets your customer have a completely customizeable custom attribute. They can enter whatever they want in the box at checkout.

Artwork Tab

The first thing you need to do on the artwork tab is decide what exactly the user can do with the online_designer

The two most important ones are User can Preview Images and User can View/Download PDF Proof. The Preview Images is a full screen image of the artwork at a higher resolution, but not high enough to print from. The PDF proof is a 600 DPI printable file, and most businesses leave this box unchecked. Every Product can have multiple pieces of artwork. The two ways to add artwork are to create them new or copy them from the Library. Any piece of published artwork can be copied over. For more information on creating pieces of artwork and how to use the online_designer, check the online_designer Page. One of the key elements is the upload tool, where you can upload the background image that one of your designers generally created. Make sure you leave anything that is customizable blank. You can create new images over the ones you upload, but you cannot actually edit them once they have been uploaded. —- ===Images and Documents=== —- The Images and Documents tab looks almost the same as everywhere else. There is one important difference that you need to notice. Allow Contacts to upload attachments when ordering this product.** If you want your customers to see this tab and be able to upload anything from high resolution images to fonts in TTF, check the box.

This is where you choose which of your storefronts you want the product to show up on.

Make sure you hit save and you your product is ready to be ordered!


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Revision : {$revisiondate}


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  • product_setup_manufactured_product.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/27 09:39
  • (external edit)